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Mar 2, 2010

My Life...My Struggles...

Like every human being in this world I have seen the light of the world not by my choice but by the grace of God. It was May 24, 1985 I came into being in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Fortunately or unfortunately I was born before the delivery date! My mother came to Dhaka as her delivery date approached near. While in my paternal aunt's residence she suddenly slipped in the bathroom and her labor pain began. Thus, I was born!

I was kept in the oxygen cube as I had respiratory problems. It took about a week to get myself come round fully. Since I was born in a Catholic Christian family, my parents took me to a Catholic priest at Holy Cross Church, Luxmibazar, in old Dhaka for a Catholic baptism. My relatives managed to fix Godparents for me but unfortunately they couldn't arrive in time when the baptism started. Finally, my youngest paternal aunt and uncle registered their names as my Godparents.

So, my life began with struggles! I was poor in health and often needed to have medical check-ups. For three years after I was born I stayed in Dhaka and often my mother and the aunt had to run to doctors to improve my physical conditions. When I improved in health after three years I came to the village home of my parents at Choto Satanipara under Kaligonj sub-district of Gazipur. It's about 50 kilometers northeast from Dhaka.

I'm the eldest child of my parents but not the first. Before me, mother gave birth to a baby girl named 'Annie' who died after 7 months. She had serious cardio-vascular problems. That's why I was much desired and loved kid of my family, especially to my parents.

In my early days my father used to work in Kuwait. So, our family, a joint family then was financially solvent. As days proceeded on it began to ruin as my father got seriously ill in his workplace and decided to come back to Bangladesh. At the age of seven I've seen my family split from joint arena and turn into a nuclear one. A life of struggles overshadowed us. This was the real beginning of my struggles throughout life, until now.

Today I'm almost at the edge of my education life and doing a good job since 2008. The struggle in the battlefield of life is not finished yet. My twenty five years life is a saga of ups and downs, success and failure, pain and pleasure. Through a number of posts I'll try to depict it. Today I managed to begin the epic tale. If you read this post, please wish me good luck!

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