Social Media

Jul 26, 2011

Beautiful Bangladesh: School of Life

Bangladesh is mostly known around the world for unhappy reasons.

It struggles with a massive population of over 160 million, which makes it the most densely populated place under the sky. About half of its inhabitants rank among the world’s most impoverished and vulnerable.

It’s also a soft target for natural disasters including floods, droughts, tropical cyclones and tidal waves. Every time a natural calamity strikes, many perish and many more go from poor to poorest.

Unsurprisingly Bangladesh is also beset by illiteracy, unemployment, corruption, political instability and a slack law and order system.

But a renewed sense of patriotism has been engendered by a three and half minute advertisement called ‘Beautiful Bangladesh: School of Life.’ First shown at the opening ceremony of the World Cup Cricket Tournament, the ad has made Bangladeshis look at their own land with a fresh perspective and made an eye-opening message for people outside the country.

Its creator, Gausul Azam Shaon, says he tried to express the real beauty of Bangladesh, which lies with its people and the way they live with nature. “It’s simple, it’s pure and we tried to show that a visit to Bangladesh will teach people to love the simplicity of life.”

*First published on UCAN Blog- Give Us This Day on July 27, 2011

Detalis on the commercial: The Independent on Feb. 20, 2011

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