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Jul 18, 2012

Let’s be careful out there

Reckless driving, jaywalking, lax rules are blamed for recurring road accidents in Bangladesh

This weekend I met a close friend whom I hadn’t seen for months. As I waited for him, I wondered what was taking him so long. When I saw him coming I realized what it was. He was limping badly and had to use a walking stick, after being in a serious road accident.

He was on his way home one night in an auto-rickshaw and his right leg was slightly outside it. Another vehicle, which was travelling without headlights, crashed into him. His knee was so badly crushed, it was feared that he’d lose the use of that leg altogether. After some treatment and rest he has recovered, but he is likely to suffer from it for the rest of his life.

But at least the accident didn’t cost him his life, unlike a student from my alma mater, Notre Dame College. He was crossing the road, ignoring the traffic signals, when a speeding bus ran him over and killed him. And yesterday, yet another college student was killed by a bus.

Reckless driving, jaywalking and disregard for the road rules cost thousands of lives and injure thousands more every year in Bangladesh.

People are busier than ever these days, time is much more precious and everything is such rush. But nothing is so important that it’s worth dying in a road accident for the sake of it.
*Click here to view original post*

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