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Mar 15, 2020

Christians struggle in Bangladesh's literary landscape

Book hunters visit a stall at Amor Ekushey Gronthomela (Book Fair of Immortal 21). (Photo: Stephan Uttom/UCA News)
On the last Saturday of early spring, the famous Suhrawardy Udyan in central Dhaka thronged with thousands of book lovers.
The park has been hosting the month-long Amor Ekushey Gronthomela (Book Fair of Immortal 21), the largest and most popular annual literary festival of Bangladesh, for the past five years, offering more space for both book publishers and an increasing number of book hunters.
It started as an initiative of educationist-publisher Chittaranjan Saha, a Hindu, in 1972. The fair pays tribute to Bangla language martyrs of Feb. 21, 1952, who died in a clash with police during the Pakistan period upholding the rights of their mother tongue.
Since 1984, Bangla Academy, the state-funded autonomous body for the promotion of Bangla language, literature and culture, has organized the event.
However, the huge crowds at the fair pay little attention to Christian publications, largely because of their minimal presence and participation.
There are 873 stalls of 560 publishers and organizations at this year's book fair and only two of them are Christian. Some 15 Christian writers have published books so far, mostly through individual efforts and other publishers.

Pratibeshi Prokashoni, the country's sole Catholic publisher, has secured a small spot at Little Mag corner at the edge of the fair and away from the main book stalls.
On the day, a representative of the house was in a gloomy mood as one or two visitors randomly glanced at the small stall. It featured some copies of religious and literary texts as well as Weekly Pratibeshi (Neighbor), the 79-year-old sole Catholic weekly magazine.
About a decade ago, Pratibeshi Prokashoni used to get a regular stall in the fair and attracted a good number of visitors. But it missed the fair for seven consecutive years for various reasons including failure to publish 50 books in three years as well as financial constraints.
Since 2018, it has managed to gain access through Little Mag criteria.
"The situation is unexpected, but there are some discouraging issues behind the drawback including high fees for stall allocation and low readership. Book publishers get stalls and make profits from selling books to visitors, where we fall behind," Father Bulbul A. Rebeiro, director of the Christian Communication Center, the Catholic media apostolate, told UCA News.
Steps are being taken to rectify the poor show in coming years, the priest said.

"This year, we have a target to publish at least 15 books, and we have been in touch with Christian writers to publish new titles and also collecting ISBNs [international standard book numbers] for books published previously. I hope we can get a fully fledged stall again, not to sell books and make profits but to let people know Christians have books and publishing houses as well," Father Rebeiro added.
Going with the flow
In the middle of the fair, the stall of the Bangladesh Bible Society (BBS) is abuzz with visitors — Christians and non-Christians — glancing at Bibles in different languages and books on Biblical stories.
The BBS, founded in 1953, a registered NGO and ecumenical organization dominated by Protestants, has never missed out since it started it attending the fair.
"Every year, we publish Bibles in various languages and books in several categories. We don't make much profit because our mission is to spread the Bible and encourage reading. In the past we distributed Bibles freely, but now we offer commissions and through various programs," BBS secretary Liton Mrong, an ethnic Garo Baptist pastor, told UCA News.
Mrong noted a decline in Christian publications and said the BBS has a 10-year plan to open a literary wing to create opportunities to publish literary books.
"Christians are a minority and readership is also low, so we are thinking about introducing books on interesting topics like counseling, leadership and communication, which can attract readers outside the community as well," he added.
The outlook for Christian publications might seem gloomy, but Christians, a small minority in Muslim-majority Bangladesh, have a golden legacy in the history of Bangla language and literature.
A golden heritage
In the early 18th century, Portuguese Catholic missionary Father Manodel da Assumpcao, the parish priest of St. Nicholas of Tolentino Church in Nagori, now Gazipur district of central Bangladesh, made great strides with Bangla language and literature.
The Augustinian priest found the highly sophisticated written and colloquial form of Bangla very challenging for missionary works. Between 1735 and 1742, Father Assumpcao wrote the first grammatical instructions and a dictionary of the Bangla language.
In 1743, he published Crepar Xaxtrer Arth-Bhed, a colloquial catechism based on a dialogue between a clergyman and his disciple. Written in the Roman alphabet and printed in Lisbon, Portugal, this was the first Bangla book in print.
British Baptist missionary Dr. William Carey (1761-1884) spent most of his missionary life in greater Bengal province of British India and was devoted to developing Bangla language and literature.
Carey translated and printed the Bible in Bengali and wrote many other books and a dictionary in the Bangla language. Besides developing Bangla typefaces, he pioneered publishing newspapers and periodicals in India.
Michael Madhusudan Dutt (1824-73), a Bangla Hindu who converted to Christianity, was one of most prolific writers in the history of Bangla literature.

Started in 1941, Weekly Pratibeshi is the oldest weekly magazine still in print in Bangladesh.

Stagnant period
Christians have been unable to keep up their heritage in Bangla language and literature due to a variety of issues including a lack of patronage and platforms for Christian writers, a dearth of professional writers, lack of Christian literary magazines and publishing houses and an extremely low readership among Christians, prominent Christian writers say.
"There are writers in the Christian community, but most of them are confined to a small circle, and only few Christian poets, essayists and researchers have a nationwide popularity and impact. While lack of reading habits and patronage can be blamed, there is also a lack of professionalism and seriousness among Christian writers," Khokon V. Corraya, 62, president of Bangladesh Christian Writers' Forum, told UCA News.
Corraya, a Catholic and printing press businessman, regularly writes poems and short stories for national newspapers and magazines. He has authored three books — one of poetry and two short story anthologies.
He credits his book lover mother and writings in Weekly Pratibeshi for his ventures in the literary field since 1975.
"The Christian community badly needs a strong literary magazine, a literary publishing house and a platform to overcome the intellectual crisis of mediocre writings and low readership," he added.
Theophil Nokrek, 49, an ethnic Garo Catholic and writer, has authored 15 books including poetry, novels, essays, research books and travelogues since 1984. This year, he published one novel and one poetry collection at the book fair.
He believes an increased reading habit among Christians and efforts to patronize Christian writers can improve the stagnant period.
"Christians are highly regarded for their contribution to education, but when it comes to literature, we struggle to find competent people. Some people can write but don't have money to publish books, while those with money don't want to patronize. A concerted effort to bring writers together, encourage rich people to fund publishing and even start awards for writers can greatly improve things in the future," Nokrek told UCA News.
Pratibeshi Prokashoni and the BBS have greater roles to play in promoting Christian writers in Bangladesh, says Subir Kasmir Pereira, a writer based in Maryland, U.S.
Pereira, 49, has been writing poems since 1989 and has co-authored 10 books and one poetry collection published last year.
"There are good writers in Bangladesh, but many are confined within the community and those who have broadened their writing scope in the mainstream have excelled. Two prominent Christian publications have failed to play their role because they are confined within the limits of religion," Pereira told UCA News.
He regretted that Christians pay excessive attention to social programs but are unconcerned about sponsoring writers or buying books.
"A writer friend told me with great sadness several times that if he asks whether a Christian would buy a book or a bottle of wine, in most cases the wine would win. We need to change this tendency in order to restore our lost pride in literature," Pereira said.
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