Showing posts with label Khulna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khulna. Show all posts

Dec 13, 2019

Bangladeshi Catholics caught up in ugly land disputes

Bangladesh is a small country packed with 160 million people, so land disputes are common and it is often the poor who suffer most. (Photo: Rock Ronald Rozario/ucanews)
Residents in a southern Bangladesh village were shocked to hear that a violent clash erupted recently between two Catholic families.

The mob violence was the culmination of a bitter dispute lasting more than two years over ownership of a small plot of land.

South Haldibunia village is near the country's second largest port — Mongla in Bagerhat district — and also close to the Sundarbans mangrove forest, an area covered by St. Paul's Church in Mongla under Khulna Diocese.

The sense of shock was understandable, happening in a village where people of various faiths — Catholic Christians, Hindus and Muslims — have been living peacefully together for decades.

দক্ষিণ এশিয়ায় ভোটের রাজনীতি এবং খ্রিস্টান সম্প্রদায়

Bangladeshi Christians who account for less than half percent of some 165 million inhabitants in the country pray during an Easter Mass in D...