Showing posts with label Marist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marist. Show all posts

Oct 31, 2019

A guiding light for Bangladesh's marginalized communities

Sister Salome Nanuar, CSC (Photo: Rock Ronald Rozario)

As a child Salome Nanuar assumed she would end up becoming a poor and marginalized tea estate worker like her parents.

She was born in 1971, the third of six children of an ethnic Kharia family, at Barmachhera village at Srimangal, a tea plantation hub in the Moulvibazar district of northeastern Bangladesh.
Nearly five decades on, Salome has become a Holy Cross nun, dedicating her life as a teacher, catechist and hostels, in the service of socio-economically downtrodden communities, including tea workers.
Sister Salome’s father died when she was at grade four in primary school.
Thanks to support from her two elder brothers and sister in-laws, all of them tea workers, she was able to continue her education.
The biggest support came from the local St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, the oldest and largest parish in predominantly tribal Sylhet Diocese, set up in 1950 by Holy Cross missionary priest Father Vincent Delevi.

গল্প: সোনালী ভোর

Credit: ভাগ্য নিয়ন্তার লীলাচক্রে ঠিক এমনি করে অমিতের দেখা পেয়ে যাবে, কোনদিন কল্পনাও করেনি অঞ্জন। বেশ কয়েক বছর আগে তন্নতন্...